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ReKreate for Tenants

Procuring offices is painful.

But the good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way.

When running a growing business you don't have a second to lose, let alone 6-8 months to grind through a move into a new office. Furthermore, the last thing you want is to commit serious money to an office that you may soon outgrow. 

Don't spend precious time repeating your requirements to agents, architects, builders and more. Do it once and let us handle the rest. 

Keep it simple.
Keep it straightforward.

With ReKreate, you not only get the designs you want in a shorter time than anywhere else, you also see how they’ll realistically look in elegant 3D right there in real time. 

And that's not all...we work with landlords that are willing to cover the cost of the fit-out, spreading it across your rent so that you don’t need to part with your hard-earned cash up front. 

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ReKreate for Landlords

Vacant offices hurting your bottom line?

Continuing to work the same way won't improve your vacancy issue. Don't accept months (or even years) of voids.

We build virtual tours of landlords’ office spaces in order to accelerate lettings. Tenants will see not only a finished version of how the space looks now, but also get inspired by how it could look when tailored to their individualised needs.

We then design the space together with your client, delivering a functional design - one that even includes the precise Bill of Materials needed to make that design a reality. On top of reducing your voids, partnering with ReKreate means an end to speculative investment in refits before you know what your client wants. That means that you reduce your costs as well as your CO2 emissions, demonstrating your firm commitment to improving the environment.  

We help get landlords rental income in weeks rather than months, save them from speculating with their Capex, and do their part toward achieving a decarbonised society.

Contact us now and discover what our process can do for you.

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ReKreate is a better way.

Focus on what's important.

Automate the rest.

And what's important is relationships.

Through this digital twin process we are building bridges between landlords and businesses that were never there before. Gone are the days of an adversarial relationship. Each party can benefit the other in so many ways.

It's time to build a better link.

ReKreate is that better way,

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